Friday, January 24, 2014

Spoil System


Written by Percia Gomez.
Researched by Fernando Montes De Oca.

Spoil System

Jackson found a way to give opportunity to others candidates in get the presidency, that way was called the Spoil System.

Spoil System also called as ''Patronage System" is  when a political party wins election, gives employment to their friends and people who made that the political party won, and each employee would work for 4 years maximum.

''To the victor belong the spoils,'' a famous Jackson supported said. President Jackson appointed  people primarily on the basis of loyalty to him and the Democratic Party. Rather than because he though they were especially well-suited to their positions.

Mass Politics

Written by Percia Gomez.
Researched by Fernando Montes De Oca.

Mass Politics

The emergence of mass politics is associated with the rise of the mass society, however the extent of the popular participation is essential in a nation where the power is shared (Federalism). Also the mass politics was essentially the inclusion of the population in political process.

Andrew Jackson was recognized by Jacksonian Democracy and this was because the power of the participation of the people and choose the government.

Jackson's policies followed the Jeffersonian Democracy, but unlike Jefferson's Republican Party, Andrew and his supporters began and make a new Democratic Party. Jefferson was supporting the voice of the people on the government, though Andrew Jackson wanted give to the people a kind of power as says the article 1 of the Constitution of United States, he was also caring about his power in the presidency. Jackson fulfilled his promise of giving people influence in government, because of this there were controversy about his methods.

''Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in regenerating a race of men and this is the greatest blessing of free governments.'' By Andrew Jackson.

This quote talk about a kind of feeling that had those people that live in Democratic Governments, and the power that those people had to regenerate a country or rule.

Jackson was very focus in defend the rights of the people, so he start a fight against the banks specific in the Second Bank of the United States, he said '' The Bank is trying to kill me, but i will kill it.'' and he did so.


King Andrew

Written by Percia Gomez.
Researched by Fernando Montes De Oca.

The rise of Andrew Jackson to the presidency in 1829 signaled a change in the American Politics.

Jackson Andrew was recognized for his way to rule, and how he manage the power. However people called him as a King, and he created the spoils system, but the  power of the people get increase.

                                                                  King Andrew

Andrew Jackson was the first president from the west, he also was the first president elected on a wave of popular support, rather than through party politics. 

King Andrew was called a king because he ignored the powers of the constitution, and make his rule enforce as he wanted, giving the best for the people and care about their rights.

Andrew Jackson left a permanent imprint upon American politics and the presidency. Within eight years, he combined ideas to make coalition of personal followers who had elected him into the country's most durable and successful political party, an electoral machine whose organization and discipline would serve as a model for all others. He supported a system of giving favor and jobs to political friends.